Publications and Presentations

Recent Faculty Publications

  1. Hamilton KC, Richardson MT, McGraw S, Owens T, Higginbotham JC. A controlled evaluation of a CBPR intervention's effects on physical activity and the related psychosocial constructs among minority children in an underserved community. J Phys Act Health. 2019 Nov; 6;1-8/ 10.1123/jpah.2019-0135. PMID: 31693994.
  2. Alakaam A. Demand for Lactation Leads to Flowing Supply of Success: Support requested from states to improve breastfeeding practices. J Midwifery Women's Health. 2019 Nov; 64(6):699-702. PMID: 31287205
  3. Alakaam A, Chang C. A structural Model of eating behavior in a U.S. midwest farmer's market. J Acad Nut Diet. 2019 Sep; 119.A82. doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2019.06.247
  4. Bolten BC, Bradford JL, White BN, Heath GW, Sizemore JM, White CE. Effects of an automatic discontinuation of antibiotics policy: A novel approach to antimicrobial stewardship. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2019 Sep; 1;76(Supplement_3):S85-S90. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxz144.

  5. Ding D, Ramirez Varela A, Bauman AE, Ekelund U, Lee IM, Heath GW, et al. Towards better evidence-informed global action: lessons learnt from the Lancet series and recent developments in physical activity and public health. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Sep; 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101001. PMID: 31562122.
  6. Heath GW. Light Physical Activity and Incident Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Disease among Older Women—A Call for Action (invited commentary). JAMA NetOpen. 2019 Mar; 2(3): e190405. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0405
  7. Heath GW, Bilderback J. Grow Healthy Together: Effects of policy and environmental interventions on physical activity among urban children and youth. J Phys Act Health. 2019 Jan; 16(2):172-176. PMID: 30626275.

  8. Ramirez A, Salvo D, Pratt M, Milton K, Siefken K, Bauman A, Kohl HW III, Lee I-Min, Heath GW, et al. Worldwide use of the first set of physical activity country cards: The Global Observatory for Physical Activity – GoPA! Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2018 Mar; 15:29-43. PMID: 29587783.

  9. Stoutenberg M, Galaviz K, Lobelo F, Joy E, Heath GW, Hutber A, et al. A pragmatic application of the RE-AIM framework for evaluating the implementation of physical activity as a standard of care in health systems. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018 May; 15:170344. PMID: 29752803.

  10. Varela AR, Pratt M, Powell K, Lee IM, Bauman A, Heath GW, et al. Worldwide surveillance, policy and research on physical activity and health: The Global Observatory for Physical Activity - GoPA! J Phys Act Health2017 May; 17:1-28PMID: 28513338.

  11. Cho JS, Hu Z, Fell N, Heath GW, Qayyum R, Sartipi M. Hospital discharge disposition of stroke patients in Tennessee. South Med J. 2017 Sep; 110:594-600. PMID: 28863224.

Recent Faculty Presentations

  1. Alakaam A, Chang C. A structural model of eating behavior in a U.S. midwest farmer’s market. Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo. Philadelphia, PA. October 2019.
  2. Heath GW. 2019 Diabetes Update: Promoting physical activity among people with type 2 diabetes: Linking Clinic to Community. University of Arkansas Medical Sciences’ and Arkansas Department of Health. March 24-26, 2019.

  3. Peyer KL, Hahn K, Heath GW. It just makes good "cents". Cost benefits of physical activity. Southeastern ACSM Annual Meeting. Greenville, SC. February 2019.     

  4. Heath GW. The glass street neighborhood in Chattanooga. Complete Streets National Conference. Nashville, TN. April 2018.   

  5. Howard-Baptiste S. Pursuing a pathway to a masters in public health. National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). Phoenix, AZ. January 2018. 

Recent Book Chapters

  1. Heath GW. (2019). Section Editor: Public Policy and Environmental Supports for Lifestyle Medicine.  In: Lifestyle Medicine, 3rd Edition.  Rippe JM (editor) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), Boca Raton, pp.  1355-1403.
  2. Hajart AF, Weisser S, Wilkerson GB, and Heath GW. (2019). Lifestyle medicine in an era of healthcare reform- seven years of healthcare disruption: 2010-2017. In: Lifestyle Medicine, 3rd Edition.  Rippe JM (editor) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), Boca Raton, pp. 1357-1364.

  3. Dodson EA and Heath GW. (2019). Policy and environmental supports for physical activity and active living. In: Lifestyle Medicine, 3rd Edition. Rippe JM (editor) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), Boca Raton, pp.  1365-1373.

  4. Heath GW (editor). (2019). Physical Activity and Public Health: A Practitioner’s Guide. APHA Press, Washington, D.C. 

  5. Crespo CJ, Wyse R, Conti G, Heath GW. (2019). Making Use of Physical Activity Surveillance Data and Tools in Planning, Prioritizing, Implementing, and Evaluating Community- Based Physical Activity Interventions. In: Physical Activity and Public Health: A Practitioner’s Guide. Heath GW (editor) APHA Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 33-50.

  6. Brown DR, Morgan J, Day K, Gates S, Heath GW, and Brownson RC. (2019). Implementing Physical Activity Interventions in Communities: Considerations for Practitioners. In: Physical Activity and Public Health: A Practitioner’s Guide. Heath GW (editor). APHA Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 51-96. 

  7. Martin SL, Calise TV, Vick J, Peyer KL, and Heath GW. (2019). Evaluating Multifaceted Public Health Initiatives Aimed to Increase Physical Activity. In: Physical Activity and Public Health: A Practitioner’s Guide. Heath GW (editor). APHA Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 97-118.  

Health and Human Performance

Health and Human Performance